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POR FESR 2014-2020. Cultural Enterprises.

Our cultural enterprise is among the winners of the POR FESR 2014-2020 call. Axis 3, Action 3.1.1., Sub-action C. Culture sector: «Aid for investments in machinery, plants and intangible assets, and accompanying processes of company reorganization and restructuring».

The business consolidation project presented focuses on four key interconnected areas:
— Strengthening of innovative services related to the creation of events and training courses;
– Digitisation and technological renewal;
– Initiation of the internationalisation process;
– Audience development.

The eligible expenditure for the project is 73,416 euros and the support received is equal to 51,391.20 euros.

2017-12-12T17:01:08+00:00 12 декабря 2017|