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Federica Bittante:
E-mail: federica.bittante@zeldateatro.com
mob.: 340 9362803
skype: fedebit
E-mail: info@zeldateatro.com
Fax: 0422 97452



by Dario Fo and Franca Rame
with Marica Rampazzo
directed by Filippo Tognazzo

Farce and tragedy, irony and sarcasm, love and harassment. Locked in her apartment, Maria talks to an imaginary neighbour about her situation. She is trying to resist the sexual demands of her brother-in-law (in a plaster cast from head to toe), the advances of a deranged caller, the prying eyes of a voyeur, the insistence of a young lover, and finally, the psychological violence of an abusive husband. A whirl of emotions, and a testing ground for gifted actresses. Role created for Franca Rame and given new life by Marica R, directed by Filippo Tognazzo.

Written nearly forty years ago, Zelda has decided to revive this show now because, although our society has made progress on gender equality, many issues remain unresolved. Una donna sola, even in its most amusing and moving moments, invites us to reflect on and become aware of our small, daily nightmares.

acting, for an adult audience and teenagers aged 16 years +
Show protected by SIAE (DOR section), music protected
debut scheduled for November 2017

Calendar for:

Una Donna Sola

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