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10feb(feb 10)8:0005jun(jun 5)14:00Progetto REMIX in Francialezioni spettacolo dedicate a Dante Alighieri, Ugo Foscolo, Giacomo Leopardi, Luigi Pirandello e la nuova produzione Olympus su i miti greci(february 10) 8:00 - (june 5) 14:00

20feb(feb 20)8:0008may(may 8)14:00Progetto REMIX in Italialezioni spettacolo dedicate a Dante Alighieri, Ugo Foscolo, Giacomo Leopardi, Luigi Pirandello e la nuova produzione Olympus su i miti greci(february 20) 8:00 - (may 8) 14:00


Federica Bittante:
E-mail: federica.bittante@zeldateatro.com
mob.: 340 9362803
skype: fedebit
E-mail: info@zeldateatro.com
Fax: 0422 97452


ho visto la pace allo specchio

RITORNI ho visto la pace allo specchio

Why is it so hard to sing an epic of peace?
What is it about peace that means it doesn’t endure and doesn’t convince?

From Wings of Desire by Wenders and Handke

RITORNI was created twenty years after the end of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim of telling the stories of the brave and steadfast young people who are trying to rebuild their country. RITORNI therefore leaves the story of the cruel conflict in the background to focus on small stories of daily engagement that bear witness to peaceful reconstruction through tolerance, sharing and forgiveness.

RITORNI is the autobiographical tale of a journey through the countries of the former Yugoslavia, undertaken in an attempt to understand what happened after the Bosnian war. Reconstruction is narrated through the stories of Zijo, a young Roma boy who miraculously escaped ethnic cleansing, and finds the strength to forgive his family’s killers; and Muhamed and Velibor and their return to the villages of Osmače and Brežani (near Srebrenica) to cultivate buckwheat. Finally, the story reaches Sarajevo, a city which survived a siege lasting over 1000 days and which has become a symbol of tolerance and sharing.

*** debut ***

Saturday October 3rd, 2015 h. 21.00
Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche
via Cornarotta 7/9, Treviso

The show was hosted by:
Teatro del Pane, Fontane di Villorba (Tv)
Associazione NOI di Sant’Ambrogio di Fiera, Treviso
Istituto Canossiano Madonna del Grappa, Treviso
Comune di Pieve di Cadore (Bl)
Comune di Campodarsego (Pd)
Associazione Occhi Aperti per Costruire Giustizia (Vi)
Sala San Leonardo di Venezia e Cinema Teatro Don Bosco di Chioggia (Ve) e per Coop Adriatica

School replicas:
Istituto Riccati-Luzzatti, Treviso
CPIA presso Spazi Bomben di Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Treviso
Liceo Guggenheim, Venezia
Liceo Canova presso Spazi Bomben di Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Treviso
Liceo Artistico A. Modigliani e altri istituti superiori della provincia, Padova
Istituto Comprensivo di Campodarsego (Pd)
Liceo Stefanini, Venezia Mestre
Istituto Tecnico Palladio, Treviso

Narration, 13 years + and adult audiences

By and with Filippo Tognazzo

A theatrical production by Zelda – professional theatre company
In collaboration with the Benetton Studies and Research Foundation

Dedicated to the Bosnian villages of Osmače and Brežani, Srebrenica, selected for the Carlo Scapa International Prize for Gardens 2014.

Amnesty International Italia
Council of Europe – Venice Office

Academic consultant: Andrea Rizza Goldstein, ARCI Bolzano coordinator for the Srebrenica Last Stop project

Amnesty International Italy’s motivation:
“For having chosen to address the wounds of war by emphasizing forgiveness of human rights violations and the construction of a better future, moving beyond these violations”

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