by and with Filippo Tognazzo
Will Rubio, Nelson and Dolce succeed in saving their country from the the greedy Crapula, Colonel Handbell and the sullen and mysterious Nerone? Above all, will they be able to do this without giving in to violence and anger?
RADIO PEPINITA! is a tale of civil liberty and courage. It gives the audience an opportunity to reflect on the practices of non-violence, listening and discussion as ways to resolve conflicts.
RADIO PEPINITA! is a tribute to Danilo Dolci’s reciprocal maieutics and is dedicated to all those who have dedicated their lives to the non-violent struggle for civil rights, such as Peppino Impastato, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and the young Malala Yousafzai.
Puppets, 4 years +
The opposite of the collision-encounter of chaos, of letting everything happen at random, of the cunning of lotteries, is planning; the opposite of being monsters, is developing organically. Humanity needs to achieve its organic unity: peace does not happen at random, it’s inventing the future.
Danilo Dolci
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